While the city takes prides in the mega infrastructures in and around the city; the grim living conditions in which more than half of the city's population resides is often sidelined. From the slum settlements along the coastline to the ones settled along the hillock belt between Ghatkoper-Powai, to the resettled colonies near the dumping ground in Deonar; majority of the population lives with crumbling infrastructure. Infrastructure development with regards to drainage and water supply, access ways- pedestrian and vehicular, private and public toilets, waste management are severely crunched. In spite of these odds the well-known "Mumbai spirit "often shines through some of these settlements. Tight knit neighborhoods feel safe and secure as one walks through the inner passages of some communities. Houses are incrementally built as one invests in building a home over a period of 10-15 years. Well-shaded passages are used as open-space with exten...
SRA developed RR Colony in Gautam Nagar, Govandi was nefarious for reaching up to epitome of filth. It even took away life of a girl who fell down in garbage accumulated between two buildings and couldn’t survive. The crisis reached up to limit that one or the other member in every family was sick. As soon as MESN intervened into the locality for public space development, we decided to clean all the open spaces. We requested Municipal Corporation to step in for this cause. Asst commissioner Kiran Dighaokar generously came forward to help us and he immediately commissioned task force to clean MMRDA Colony. It took two days, 80 cleaners and several JCB’s to clean and take away enormous amount of garbage. This activity gathered a lot of public attention and earned respect for open spaces.